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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): SMC回轉驅動(dòng)型3爪型氣爪,日本SMC氣爪
產(chǎn)品型號: MDBB50-55
產(chǎn)品展商: SMC
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


SMC回轉驅動(dòng)型3爪型氣爪,日本SMC氣爪 根據工件的性質(zhì)、大小、使用環(huán)境及作業(yè)目的 等多方面要求的不同,氣爪的種類(lèi)繁多 采用滑動(dòng)導軌剛性*。 防塵、防滴、承受外力和多種環(huán)境下可使用。 根據環(huán)境可選擇防塵罩材質(zhì)(氯丁橡膠、氟橡膠、 硅橡膠)以及不銹鋼(SUS304)手指。 SMC回轉驅動(dòng)型3爪型氣爪,日本SMC氣爪

SMC回轉驅動(dòng)型3爪型氣爪,日本SMC氣爪  的詳細介紹

component, and their respective
configurations. A model should be selected
with a gripping force of 7 to 14 times that of the
component weight.
? If high acceleration, deceleration or impact
forces are encountered during motion, a further
margin of safety should be considered.


with respect to component mass
? Selection of the correct model depends upon
The effective grippingforce shown in the
graphs to the right is
expressed as F, whichis the thrust of one
finger, when threefingers and
attachments are in fullcontact with the
workpiece as shown inthe figure to the right
the component mass, the coefficient of friction
between the finger attachment and the



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