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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): REXROTH比例流量閥型號,rexroth比例流量閥結構圖
產(chǎn)品型號: ABZMM100-250BAR/MPA-R/B-G
產(chǎn)品展商: BOSCH-REXROTH
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


REXROTH比例流量閥型號,rexroth比例流量閥結構圖 Main valve (2) With spool (3) Pilot control valve (4) with proportional solenoid (5) General function: (3) of the orifice (3), thereby defining the opening of the aperture (8) REXROTH比例流量閥型號,rexroth比例流量閥結構圖

REXROTH比例流量閥型號,rexroth比例流量閥結構圖  的詳細介紹

The vibration absorption is increased by the pilot oil bypass of the nozzle (16)
When the enable is disengaged,

the orifice spool in the seat will stop (close position) and prevent flow from A → B
The flow depends on the Δp on the orifice and the position of the orifice (3)
Through the position sensor for the hole spool (the actual value of the location record;
Comparison of command / actual values in electronic equipment (
6); as a change in the control output is prepared and output as a control,
For correcting the position of the throttle spool (3) to
the proportional solenoid (5) to the pilot control valve (4)
Use the external pilot oil supply, in order to make the valve work,
X pressure must be ≥ A in the pressure
The pilot valve position with the command value 0 V or 4 mA has been adjusted and
the orifice is still in the positive overlap and blocks A → B
At the command value 0 V or 4 mA and in the inactive state,
the technical data can be viewed via the zero flow on the nozzle spool and pilot control valve
FE valves are pilot two-way proportional throttle valves for block installation for continuous control of flow.
Technical setup
The valve consists of four main components:
The cover (1) has a connection surface for pilot oil connection
Area ratio (15) and area (12) = 1: 1
Flow to A → B; connect X to A or connect from outside


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Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

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