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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 美國ASCO直動(dòng)式電磁閥結構原理,概述世格直動(dòng)式電磁閥
產(chǎn)品展商: ASCO
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


美國ASCO直動(dòng)式電磁閥結構原理,概述世格直動(dòng)式電磁閥 VA Inrush AC DC AC DC F - 20.1 43 240 272610 - 272614 H 36.2 28 60 330 222345 222184 222345 222184 H - 16.1 35 180 272810 - 272814 H - 28.2 50 385 224195 - 224195 Standard Voltages: 24, 120, 240, 480 volts AC, 60 Hz (or 110, 220 volts AC, 50 Hz). 6, 12, 24,120, 240 volts DC. Must be specified when ordering. 美國ASCO直動(dòng)式電磁閥結構原理,概述世格直動(dòng)式電磁閥

美國ASCO直動(dòng)式電磁閥結構原理,概述世格直動(dòng)式電磁閥  的詳細介紹
 General Purpose Explosionproof
VA Holding
 METAL SEATS AND DISCS 1/8 3 .11 - - 17 9 - 81 8300D55 1 - - - 36.2/H 1/8 3 .11 38 21 - - 92 - 8300G55 1 - - 20.1/F 1/8 5 .30 - - 9 4 - 81 8300D3 1 - - - 36.2/H 1/8 5 .30 17 10 - - 92 - 8300G3 1 - - 20.1/F 1/4 5 .30 - - 9 4 - 81 8300D58 1 - - - 36.2/H 1/4 5 .30 17 10 - - 92 - 8300G58 1 - - 20.1/F 1/4 6 .39 - - 5 2 - 81 8300A81 1 - - - 36.2/H 1/4 6 .39 13 6 - - 92 - 8300G81 1 - - 20.1/F 1/4 6 .39 17 8 - - 92 - 8300D61 ? 1 - - 28/H 3/8 6 .39 - - 3 2 - 81 - - 8300B410 2 - 36.2/H 3/8 6 .39 10 5 - - 92 - - - 8300G410 2 20.1/F 3/8 6 .39 - - 5 2 - 81 8300A82 1 - - - 36.2/H 3/8 6 .39 13 6 - - 92 - 8300G82 1 - - 20.1/F 3/8 6 .39 17 8 - - 92 - 8300D9 ? 1 - - 28/H 3/8 6 .39 12 6 - - 92 - - - 8300B411 ? 2 28/H 3/8 8 .64 - - 3 1 - 81 8300D64 2 8300B412 2 - 36.2/H 3/8 8 .64 8 4 - - 92 - 8300G64 2 8300G412 2 20.1/F 3/8 10 .86 - -
Note: 125 and 250 volts DC are battery voltages applied in power plants. Special AC and DC constructions are available to pilot power plant control valves. Consult your local ASCO sales office for details.
Valve Parts in Contact with Fluids
 Body Brass 304 Stainless Steel Disc 303 Stainless Steel (Metal), PA or Brass (Resilient) Seats NBR, Phosphor Bronze 303 Stainless Steel Core Tube 305 Stainless Steel Core and Plugnut 430 F Stainless Steel Springs 302 Stainless Steel, 17-7PH or Iconel Shading Coil Copper Silver Gaskets NBR PTFE
  Pipe Size (ins.)
2 1 - 81 8300D72 2 8300B413 2 - 36.2/H 3/8 10 .86 5 2 - - 92 - 8300G72 2 8300G413 2 20.1/F 1/2 8 .64 - - 3 1 - 81 8300D68 2 8300B403 3 - 36.2/H 1/2 8 .64 8 4 - - 92 - 8300G68 2 8300G403 3 20.1/F 1/2 10 .86 - - 2 1 - 81 8300D76 2 8300B404 3 - 36.2/H 1/2 10 .86 5 2 - - 92 - 8300G76 2 8300G404 3 20.1/F  NBR SEATS AND BRASS DISCS 1/4 5 .21 - - 9 4 - 81 8300D58R 1 - - - 36.2/H 1/4 5 .21 17 10 - - 81 - 8300G58R 1 - - 20.1/F 1/4 6 .33 - - 5 2 - 81 8300A81R 1 - - - 36.2/H 1/4 6 .33 10 5 - - 81 - 8300G81R 1 - - 20.1/F 3/8 6 .33 - - 5 2 - 81 8300A82R 1 - - - 36.2/H 3/8 6 .33 10 5 - - 81 - 8300G82R 1 - - 20.1/F 3/8 8 .45 - - 3 1 - 81 8300D64R 2 - - - 36.2/H 3/8 8 .45 8 4 - - 81 - 8300G64R 2 - - 20.1/F 1/2 8 .45 - - 3 1 - 81 8300D68R 2 - - - 36.2/H 1/2 8 .45 8 4 - - 81 - 8300G68R 2 - - 20.1/F  PHOSPHOR BRONZE SEATS - STEAM SERVICE ONLY 1/4 .5 .39 7 3 - - 173 - 8315G2 1 - - 16.1/H 3/8 .5 .39 7 3 - - 173 - 8315G3 1 - - 16.1/H 3/8 .6 .64 7 3 - - 173 - 831534 4 - - 28.2/H 1/2 .6 .64 7 3 - - 173 - 831535 4 - - 28.2/H  Notes:   ?   NC = Normally Closed: Exhaust pressure when de-energized. NO = Normally Open: Applies pressure when de-energized. Univ. = Universal: Pressure                     at any port.                ?   "EF" Prefix variations are suitable for enclosures Types 3, 4, 7 (C&D), and 9 (E) only and have a temperature range code T3A.               Refer to Engineering Section for details.
Orifice Size (mm)
 Kv Flow Factor (m3/h)
  Operating Pressure Differential (bar)
Max. Fluid Temp.?C
Brass Body Stainless Steel Body Watt Rating/ Class of Coil Insulation
Air-Inert Gas, Water, Lt. Oil
Max. AC Max. DC ?  Add Suffix  "F" for NC, "G" for NO, "U" for Univ.
NC/NO Univ. NC/NO Univ. AC DC Catalog Number
Constr. Ref. No. Catalog Number
Constr. Ref. No. AC DC
Features ?   Designed for high flow and high pressure service. ?   Direct acting, requires no minimum operating pressure. ?   Choice of metal seating materials to handle aggressive fluids, or resilient seating for airtight shutoff. ?   Ideal for power plants and similar applications.
Standard: Red-Hat II - Watertight, Types 1, 2, 3, 3S, 4, and 4X;  Red-Hat - Type 1. Optional: Red-Hat II - Explosionproof and Watertight, Types 3, 3S, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 7, and 9; Red-Hat - Explosionproof and Watertight, Types 3, 4, 4X, 7, and 9.  See footnote on next page. (To order, add prefix “EF” to catalog number.) See Optional Features Section for other available options.
 Standard Coil and Class of Insulation
Watt Rating and Power Consumption Spare Coil Part Number
DC Watts
Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

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