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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 日本油研單向節流閥特性,YUKEN單向節流閥技術(shù)特性
產(chǎn)品展商: YUKEN-油研
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


日本油研單向節流閥特性,YUKEN單向節流閥技術(shù)特性 the throttle valve and relief valve can be composed of three kinds of throttle speed control system, System, oil return control system and bypass throttling speed control system. 日本油研單向節流閥特性,YUKEN單向節流閥技術(shù)特性

日本油研單向節流閥特性,YUKEN單向節流閥技術(shù)特性  的詳細介紹

The throttle valve has no flow negative
feedback function and can not compensate for
 the instability caused by the load change.
It is only used when the load is not changed or the speed stability is not high
The performance requirements for the throttle valve are:
· Flow adjustment range is large, the flow of a pressure change smooth;
· Leakage within the small, if the leakage of oil leakage, the external leakage should be small;
· Adjust the torque is small, action sensitive.
Throttle valve shape structure and the cut-off valve is no different,
but they open and close the shape of the pieces are different.
Is a valve that controls the flow of fluid by changing the
throttling section or throttling length. The throttle valve and
check valve can be combined into a one-way throttle valve.
 Throttle valve opening and closing parts are mostly conical flow line type,
through which to change the channel cross-sectional area to adjust the flow and pressure.
 The throttle valve is used to reduce the medium pressure when the pressure drop is extremely large.
The velocity of the medium between the throttle valve and the valve seat is so
large that the surface of these parts is quickly damaged -
 the so-called cavitation phenomenon. In order to minimize
the impact of cavitation, the valve with anti-cavitation
materials (alloy steel) and made of the top angle of 140 to 180 streamlined cone,
which can make the valve flap can have a large opening height,
generally not recommended In the small gap under the throat.
Throttle and one-way throttle valve is a simple flow control valve,
in the quantitative pump hydraulic system,


Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402005010號

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