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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): **BURKERT兩位兩通比例閥,德國寶德比例閥主要特點(diǎn)
產(chǎn)品型號: 00178876
產(chǎn)品展商: BURKERT
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


**BURKERT兩位兩通比例閥,德國寶德比例閥主要特點(diǎn) This key feature can reduce the energy consumption of a plant dramatically and thus make it more e?? cient. Type 3285 is available as a standard ON/ OFF or proportional valve, tput via the M12 circular plug-in connector 這一特性可大幅度降低設備對能源的需求,從而使其更為*效。 型號 3285 有比例閥標準款、帶集成式位置調節儀的規格 以及帶集成式過(guò)程調節器的規格三種可選。 **BURKERT兩位兩通比例閥,德國寶德比例閥主要特點(diǎn)

**BURKERT兩位兩通比例閥,德國寶德比例閥主要特點(diǎn)  的詳細介紹

額定寬度從 DN 8 至 25 mm
2/2 way Proportional Valve (motor-driven)
Universal controller Type 8611
The motor’s power consumption to hold a speci? c opening position of the valve is zero.
This key feature can reduce the energy consumption of a plant dramatically and thus make it more e?  cient.
Type 3285 is available as a standard ON/ OFF or proportional valve,
tput via the M12 circular plug-in connector
型號 3285 有比例閥標準款、帶集成式位置調節儀的規格
 as a version with integrated positioner and as a version with integrated process controller.
The positioner proportional valve converts an external standard signal (position set-point value) into a valve position.
 The position of the actuator is controlled according to the position set-point value.
(DN8) … 1500 g (DN25) 1) Pressure data [bar]: Overpressure with respect to atmospheric pressure
Pressure transmitter Type 8311
Technical data Materials Body Housing Seals  Seat sealing
Brass or stainless steel PC (Polycarbonate), PPS (Polyphenylene sul? de) FKM,
直接作用式比例閥型號 3285 適用于在密封式或開(kāi)放式調節回路中計量液體和氣體。
The current position (POS) of the electromotive valve is recorded by the position measuring system.
The position controller compares this position actual value to the set-point value (CMD) speci? ed as the standard signal.
In case of a control di? erence (Xd1), the motor control signal is sent to the actuating drive as the actuating variable.
Z1 is a disturbance value. Both valve end positions are indicated by the LED status.
 Moreover, the position actual value recorded using the position measuring system is ou
others on request (NBR, EPDM, ...) Technical ceramics Medium Neutral gases,
liquids Seat leakage based on IEC/EN 60534 ? 4 Shut-o?  class IV Pressure range1)
0–6 bar Closure time Ca. 4 sec. Medium temperature 0 to + 70 °C
Ambient temperature - 10 to + 60 °C Power supply 24 V DC ± 10 % (max. residual ripple 10 %)
Power consumption < 1 W in holding position, Max. 12 W (depending on motor control)
Duty cycle Up to 100 % (depending on ? uid and ambient temperature) Port connection G ?, G ?, G 1,
NPT ?, NPT ?, NPT 1 Typical control data2) Hysteresis
Repeatability Sensitivity Span < 5 % < 1 % FS < 1 % FS 1:100 Protection class
- valve IP50 Installation As required, preferably with actuator upright Status display LED
(details: see manual) Dimensions See drawings on page 5 Weight ~ 800 g
2) Characteristic data of control behaviour depends on process conditions
 The direct-acting motor valve of type 3285 is used for dosing of liquids
and gases in closed or open control loops.
The valve features a stepper motor as the actuator.
The integrated electronics simpli? es the process integration;
additional actuation modules are not necessary.


Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402005010號

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