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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): **產(chǎn)品美國ASCO8290系列氣控閥,SCG?353A043
產(chǎn)品展商: ASCO
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


**產(chǎn)品美國ASCO8290系列氣控閥,SCG?353A043 ?As the valve cycles, cams on the signaling box lengthening stem operate the switches to provide electrical signaling of the valve position.  Body 316L Stainless Steel Bronze 316L Stainless Steel Stem 316L Stainless Steel 431 Stainless Steel 431 Stainless Steel Stuffing Box????? 316L Stainless Steel Brass 303 Stainless Steel Stuff **產(chǎn)品美國ASCO8290系列氣控閥,SCG?35

**產(chǎn)品美國ASCO8290系列氣控閥,SCG?353A043  的詳細介紹
Supplied with two mechanical or REED switches and mounts on top of the valve operator in place of the standard visual indicator.
Provides a wiring box with conduit connections. HS1,2,3 indicators are suitable for hazardous locations
 while the HS4 indicator is suitable for non-hazardous locations.
Optional AS-interface® and DeviceNet® communications available. Consult ASCO for details and ordering.
Air or Water Pilot Operated Angle Body Multi-Purpose Valves Bronze or 316L Stainless Steel Bodies 3/8" to 2 1/2" NPT
Valve Parts in Contact with Fluids Part 32mm 50mm - 125mm 50mm - 125mm
? All 316L stainless steel versions (available on request). See inside back cover for the following constructions:
 Compact Positioner for proportional control Compact Signaling Unit Signaling Box Linear Position Indicator Stroke Limiter
Specifications Ambient Temperature Range: 15?F to 140?F (32?F to 122?F for proportional) Pilot Fluid Temperature Range:
15?F to 140?F Maximum Viscosity: 2,700 SSU For higher viscosity applications, please consult ASCO.
Supplied with two mechanical or inductive switches with LEDs,
and mounts on top of the valve operator in place of the standard visual indicator.
 As the valve cycles, cams on the signaling box lengthening stem operate the switches to provide electrical signaling of the valve position.
 Body 316L Stainless Steel Bronze 316L Stainless Steel Stem 316L
Stainless Steel 431 Stainless Steel 431 Stainless Steel Stuffing Box     
316L Stainless Steel Brass 303 Stainless Steel Stuffing Box Seal PTFE PTFE Chevron PTFE Chevron Wiper Seal FKM FKM FKM Disc
壓力操作,黃銅/不銹鋼閥體,內螺紋接口,3/8-2 1/2,
This unit has an extension rod in place of the standard visual indicator, which contains the permanent magnet and field adjustable mini-detectors.
Valve stem position is sensed by one or two mini-reed switch detectors with either an integral M8 3-pin connector or a 2 meter cable with leads.
? Steam and Hot Water  2/2 SERIES 8290
The signaling box can rotate 360?. Assembly available on 50mm normally closed
and 63mm through 125mm normally open and normally closed. (e.g., 8290A384SM2)
? NET-INOX treatment (stainless steel valve body pickled in nitric/hydrofluoric acid bath), add suffix “NI”.
STROKE LIMITER The stroke limiter allows Cv flow to be adjusted from 0% to 100%,
? Medium vacuum service up to 7 x 10-3 Torr, add suffix "VM".
and mounts on top of the 8290 Series valve in place of the position indicator. Assembly available onto50mm (normally closed)
and 63mm through 125mm normally open or normally closed valves with fluid entry under the disc. Add suffix M: (e.g., 8290B002M)
316L Stainless Steel Brass 304L Stainless Steel Disc Seal PTFE PTFE PTFE Screw 316L Stainless Steel - 
 For all optional AISI 316L Stainless Steel constructions, contact ASCO.
Alternate Valve Constructions ? Oxygen service, add suffix "N".
Order “Support & Rod” and “Reed Switches”. (e.g., 855 29 032 & 881 00 140)
? Visual Position Indicator for normally closed valve with 32mm or 50mm operator, add suffix “VI”
 (note: position indicator standard on 63mm through 125mm operators).
The 8290 Series consists of 2-way direct acting valves available in normally closed or normally open constructions.
 Built for demanding applications, these valves come in a straightthrough body design made of bronze or stainless steel.
 There are many optional features including visual/electrical position indicator or a stroke limiter.
The 8290 Series is suitable for the following applications:
? General Service (air, inert gas, water, oil, light slurries)

Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402005010號

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