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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 意大利ode電磁閥種類(lèi)/功能
產(chǎn)品型號: 31JBMW0B12
產(chǎn)品展商: ODE
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


意大利ode電磁閥種類(lèi)/功能 31A3AR10÷31A2AR25電磁閥3/2方向N.C.直接作用 Direct acting S.V. for interception of fluids compatible with the construction materials. Opening is obtained by a 20 msec pulse, and closing by another 20 msec pulse, with reversed polarity. Minimum operational pressure is not required. The materials used and the tests undertaken ensure maximum reliability and duration. 意大利ode電磁閥種類(lèi)/功能

意大利ode電磁閥種類(lèi)/功能  的詳細介紹


Direct acting S.V. for interception of fluids compatible with the construction
Opening is obtained by a 20 msec pulse, and closing by
another 20 msec pulse, with reversed polarity.
Minimum operational pressure is not required.
The materials used and the tests carried out ensure maximum reliability
and duration.
31A2A1R15-UR電磁閥3/2通N.C直動(dòng)式 - UL認證
Direct acting S.V. for interception of fluids compatible with the
construction materials.
Minimum operational pressure is not required.
The materials used and the tests carried out ensure maximum
reliability and duration
Direct acting S.V. for interception of fluids compatible with the
construction materials.
Minimum operational pressure is not required.
The materials used and the tests carried out ensure maximum
reliability and duration.
31A1A1R15-UR電磁閥3/2通N.C.直接作用 - UL認證
31A3GV10-U÷31A2EV30-U電磁閥3/2通道 - 通用直動(dòng)式
31A3AV15÷31A2AV20鎖定線(xiàn)圈電磁閥3/2路N.C.直接作用 - 鎖定線(xiàn)圈
31A2EJV25-AD電磁閥3/2通N.C.直接作用 - 防爆 - EEx d II C T5
31A3FB15-U鎖定線(xiàn)圈電磁閥3/2路N.C.直接作用 - 鎖定線(xiàn)圈


Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402005010號

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