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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 美國世格E290氣控閥系列電磁閥設計圖
產(chǎn)品型號: 34203039
產(chǎn)品展商: ASCO
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


美國世格E290氣控閥系列電磁閥設計圖 壓力操作,黃銅/不銹鋼閥體,內螺紋接口,1/2-2 1/2, ? Installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve 10 0 10 10 63 E290A133 3/4 20 9,4 157 (?) 10 0 10 10 50 E290A472 (?) 10 0 10 10 63 E290A134 1 2512,8 213 (?) 介質(zhì)溫度:-10℃~+184℃,操作壓差:O-16公斤 FEATURES ? Remote-controlled compact valves ? High ? ow due to angled seat design ? Equipped with piston-type operators ( 美國世格E290氣控閥系

美國世格E290氣控閥系列電磁閥設計圖  的詳細介紹

手機: (微信)
GENERAL Differential pressure See ?SPECIFICATIONS? [1 bar =100  kPa] Maximum
 allowable pressure 16 bar Ambient temperature range -10°C to +60°C Maximum viscosity 600 cSt
壓力操作,黃銅/不銹鋼閥體,內螺紋接口,1/2-2 1/2,
? Installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve
10 0 10 10 63 E290A133 3/4 20 9,4 157 (?) 10 0 10 10 50 E290A472 (?) 10 0 10 10 63 E290A134 1 2512,8 213 (?)
FEATURES ? Remote-controlled compact valves ? High ? ow due to angled seat design
? Equipped with piston-type operators (50 or 63 mm dia.)
? The valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation ? Compatible with ASTM 1, 2 and 3 oils
 box seal NBR Stem Stainless steel Disc Brass Disc seal NBR Valve body seal NBR
OTHER MATERIALS Operator Glass ? bre ? lled PA Optical position indicator PA 12, supplied standard on valves with 63 mm operator
SPECIFICATIONS piping (ISO 6708) ? ow coef? cient Kv
operating pressure differential (bar) operator diameter catalogue numberpipe size DN min. max. air,
inert gas (?) water, oil (?)(G) (m 3/h) (l/min) min. max. (mm) NC - Normally
? Anti-waterhammer design (? uid entry under the disc) ? Operator rotatable through 360°
 10 0 10 10 50 E290A473 16,5 275 (?) 10 0 10 10 63 E290A135 (?)  Minimum pilot pressure varies with differential pressure, see overleaf.
COMPACT VALVES for neutral ? uids pressure operated, bronze body threaded ports, 1/2 to 1
00048GB-2005/R01 Availability, design and speci? cations are subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.
All lea? ets are available on: www.asconumatics.eu V405-2
 ? Stroke limiter for opening ? Manual safety device ? Optical position indicator on 50 mm operator, NC function
with the materials is veri? ed Valve body Bronze Stuf? ng box housing Glass ? bre ? lled PA Stuf? ng
4 10 0 10 10 50 E290A469 2,5 10 0 10 10 63 E290A127 1,5 10 0 4 4 63 E290A126
1 25 12,8 213 4 10 0 6 6 50 E290A470 16,5 275 4 10 0 10 10 63 E290A131 2,5 10 0 6 6 63 E290A130 1,5 10
? The valves satisfy Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC article 3.3
OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES (see page V435) ? Signaling box or compact signaling unit
? uids (?) temperature range disc seal (?) water, air, inert gas, oil, hot water - 10°C to + 95°C NBR (nitrile)
MATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH FLUID (?)  Ensure that the compatibility of the ? uids in contact
0 3 3 63 E290A129 NO - Normally open, entry under the disc 1/2 15 4,9 82 (?) 10 0 10 10 50 E290A471 (?)
? Pipe connections (G) have standard combination thread according to ISO 228/1 and ISO 7/1
 (mm2/s) Pilot ? uid Filtered air or water Max. pilot pressure 10 bar Min. pilot pressure See below
and following page Pilot ? uid temperature -10°C to +60°C Response time See page V402-5
 ? Adapter plate for NAMUR pad mounting pilot (63 mm operator only) ? Other pipe connections are available on request INSTALLATION


Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


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