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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): **供應日本油研PV2R型雙聯(lián)葉片泵
產(chǎn)品型號: AMLS-A-D24-B1-10?
產(chǎn)品展商: YUKEN-油研
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


**供應日本油研PV2R型雙聯(lián)葉片泵 which have been developed especially for low noise operation. Furthermore, use the pipes in the suction side having the diameter port of the pump should be less than 1 metre (3.3 ft.) from the oil level {less than 0.8 metre (2.6 ft.) in case of using phosphate ester fluids or water containing fluids}. **供應日本油研PV2R型雙聯(lián)葉片泵

**供應日本油研PV2R型雙聯(lián)葉片泵  的詳細介紹
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電 話(huà):
To comply with a variety of applications including injection moulding machines,
PV2R series single 3   pumps provide the output flow of such a wide range
as from 5.8 to 237 c m/rev (.354 to 14.46 cu.in./rev). 
The intergral driving parts of the pumps are combined into a kit form
and available for supply as a cartridge kit. Therefore, the replacement of the driving parts can be done easily.
These double pumps consist of two PV2R seires single pumps combined
 in tandem within a single housing and driven by a common shaft.
or at the position higher than the tank top cover, the height of the suction
A Single suction port and two discharge ports are provided so that the output flow can be supplied to separate circuits.
Fluid viscosity and temperature2.
 Carry out sufficient contam-ination control for hydraulic fluids and keep
contamination level within NAS class 12.  Also, use a 100 μm (150-mesh) tank filter on the suction side,
more than 50 mm (2 in.) away from the tank bottom.
Employ a flexible coupling whenever possible, and avoid any stress from bending or thrust.
Control of contamination3.
 as indicated on the installation drawings. In case where the pump is installed on the tank
These pumps are of high pressure and high performance,
which have been developed especially for low noise operation.
 Furthermore, use the pipes in the suction side having the diameter
 port of the pump should be less than 1 metre (3.3 ft.) from the oil level {less than 0.8 metre (2.6 ft.)
 in case of using phosphate ester fluids or water containing fluids}.
Use the hydraulic fluids which satisfy the recommended viscosity
and oil temperature given in the Table 3 below. However, please note that if any of the pumps
listed in the table 4 is started at low speed, the maximum fluid viscosity is limited.
Contamination of hydraulic fluids results in pump failures and reduced pump lives.
Any type of hydraulic fluids listed in the Table 1 below can be used.
However, the specifications of the pumps such as maximum pressure
 and maximum pump speed may be changed according to the type of hydraulic fluids to be used.
 For details, please refer to the specifications of the pump concerned
Fluid viscosity and temperature (Table 3) Maximum viscosity for low start-up speed(Table 4)
Anti-wear type water-glycols
 Maximum permissible misalignment is less than 0.1 mm (.004 inches)
 TIR and maximum permissible misangular is less than 0.2°.
Suction pressures2. Set the suction pressure at pump inlet port at the value given in the table below.

Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402005010號

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