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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 日本SMCZPT100HBN-B16真空發(fā)生器的PDF資料
產(chǎn)品型號: ZPT100HBN-B16
產(chǎn)品展商: SMC
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


日本SMCZPT100HBN-B16真空發(fā)生器的PDF資料 Grommet (0.6 m) Grommet (3 m) Connector (0.6 m) Connector (3 m) The filter mounted on the product is a simplified one. When used in an environment with a lot of dust, the filter on the unit is likely to be clogged quickly. Use with the ZFA, ZFB and Small diameter nozzle/?0.3 to ?1.2 1. The case is made of polycarbonate. Therefore, do no 日本SMCZPT100HBN-B16真空發(fā)生器

日本SMCZPT100HBN-B16真空發(fā)生器的PDF資料  的詳細介紹

Nil Y
Supply pressure and nozzle diameter are expressed in the graphs below. Graph (1)/ZSP1-S Graph (2)/ZSP1-B
Comprised of a pneumatically operated bridge circuit,
this function puts the S4 picking nozzle into the non-picking state,
and uses the S2 adjustment needle to balance (P1 ? P2) the pressure that is applied to the pressure sensor.
 The small pressure difference (P2 – P1) that is created when a part is picked by the (S4) picking nozzle and is detected by the pressure sensor.
? Wiring is the same as ZSE2.
Grommet (0.6 m) Grommet (3 m) Connector (0.6 m) Connector (3 m)
The filter mounted on the product is a simplified one. When used in an environment with a lot of dust,
 the filter on the unit is likely to be clogged quickly. Use with the ZFA, ZFB and Small diameter nozzle/?0.3 to ?1.2
1. The case is made of polycarbonate. Therefore,
 do not use it with or expose it to the following chemicals: paint thinner, carbon tetrachloride,
 chloroform, acetic ester, aniline, cyclohexane, trichloroethylene, sulfuric acid, lactic acid,
water-soluble cutting oil (alkalinic), etc. 2. Do not expose it to direct sunlight.
? Filter caseVacuum Pressure Switch Unit/Adsorption Confirmation Switch: ZSP1-
Unit no.
Fluid Operating pressure range Applicable adsorption nozzle dia.
Internal orifice Mass Voltage Output Indicator light Current consumption Operating temperature range Port size Hysteresis
ZSP1-S ZSP1-B Air –20 kPa to –101 kPa 0.3 to 0.7 mm (Refer to Graph (1).) 0.5 to 1.2 mm (Refer to Graph (2).)
?0.5 ?0.8 0.5 kPa 62 g 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less) NPN Open collector
30 V 80 mA Light at ON state 17 mA (24 VDC, at ON state) 0 to 60°C (No condensation) M5 x 0.8, M6 x 1 (Option)
Note) If not operated within the specified range of pressure and temperature, trouble may result.
PV, V port size
Piping specifications
S 0X 15ZSP1
Caution It might not be possible to successfully pick a workpiece if a picking nozzle or a picking pad that is out of the applicable range is used.
 ? Other caution
CautionSymbol S
Applicable model Applicable nozzle dia. 0.3 to 0.7 mm B Applicable nozzle dia. 0.5 to 1.2 mm Model
Nil L C CL
M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 (Option)



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