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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): SMC液壓缸CDQSB12-10D-M9NV的技術(shù)指導
產(chǎn)品型號: CDQSB12-10D-M9NV
產(chǎn)品展商: 日本SMC
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


SMC液壓缸CDQSB12-10D-M9NV的技術(shù)指導 JISB1176, strength class 10.9 or higher) for cylinder mounting. (?20: 2 pcs.; ?32 to ?100: 4 pcs.) 2. Since a lateral load (eccentric load) cannot be applied to the piston rod, build the mounting jig in such a way that a lateral load will not be applied to the piston rod. (JISB1176, strength class 10.9 or higher) for cylinder mounting. ( SMC液壓缸CDQSB12-10D-M9NV的

SMC液壓缸CDQSB12-10D-M9NV的技術(shù)指導  的詳細介紹


(JISB1176, strength class 10.9 or higher) for cylinder mounting.
(?20: 2 pcs.; ?32 to ?100: 4 pcs.)
 2. Since a lateral load (eccentric load) cannot be applied to the piston rod,
 build the mounting jig in such a way that a lateral load will not be applied to the piston rod.
3. Make sure that the interlocking length of the rod end thread (male or female thread)
 and the mounting material is at least 80% of the thread diameter.
4. When operating a cylinder for the first time,
be sure to release the air inside the cylinder and the piping. When the air release is complete,
 operate the cylinder at reduced pressure,
then gradually increase it to the normal operating pressure.
5. Since Series CHQB does not have an air release plug, release air from other components (e.g. from piping, etc.) as well.
6. When mounting the cylinder body with mounting bolts, use the tightening torques in the table at right as a guide
(JISB1176, strength class 10.9 or higher) for cylinder mounting.
(?20: 2 pcs.; ?32 to ?100: 4 pcs.) 2. Since a lateral load (eccentric load) cannot be applied to the piston rod,
build the mounting jig in such a way that a lateral load will not be applied to the piston rod.
 (JISB1176, strength class 10.9 or higher) for cylinder mounting. (?20: 2 pcs.; ?32 to ?100: 4 pcs.)
 2. Since a lateral load (eccentric load) cannot be applied to the piston rod,
build the mounting jig in such a way that a lateral load will not be applied to the piston rod.
 3. Make sure that the interlocking length of the rod end thread (male or female thread) and the mounting material is at least 80% of the thread diameter.
4. When operating a cylinder for the first time,
be sure to release the air inside the cylinder and the piping. When the air release is complete, operate the cylinder at reduced pressure,
then gradually increase it to the normal operating pressure. 5. Since Series CHQB does not have an air release plug,
 release air from other components (e.g. from piping, etc.) as well. 6. When mounting the cylinder body with mounting bolts,
 use the tightening torques in the table at right as a guide
3. Make sure that the interlocking length of the rod end thread (male or female thread)
and the mounting material is at least 80% of the thread diameter.
4. When operating a cylinder for the first time, be sure to release the air inside the cylinder and the piping。
 When the air release is complete, operate the cylinder at reduced pressure,
 then gradually increase it to the normal operating pressure.
 5. Since Series CHQB does not have an air release plug,
 release air from other components (e.g. from piping, etc.) as well.
6. When mounting the cylinder body with mounting bolts,
use the tightening torques in the table at right as a guide

SMC液壓缸CDQSB12-10D-M9NV的技術(shù)指導 手機:17321017802(微信)

Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


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