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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 西克安全門(mén)開(kāi)關(guān),**施克安全門(mén)開(kāi)關(guān)
產(chǎn)品型號: GL6-P1111
產(chǎn)品展商: SICK
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


西克安全門(mén)開(kāi)關(guān),**施克安全門(mén)開(kāi)關(guān) Operating characteristics If the emergency stop pushbutton ES21 has not been actuated and K1 and K2 are de-energised and functioning correctly,

西克安全門(mén)開(kāi)關(guān),**施克安全門(mén)開(kāi)關(guān)  的詳細介紹
B) A short-circuit in an emergency stop button circuit will be
detected and will trigger the inhibited state (lock-out) of the
UE43-2MF. On a cross-circuit between the emergency stop
button circuits, the overcurrent protection in the UE43-2MF
will be triggered. The UE43-2MF shuts down. The erroneous
behaviour of one of the contactors K1 or K2 will be detected.
The shutdown function is retained. On manipulation (e.g.
jamming) or a cross-circuit on the button S1, the UE43-2MF
will not re-enable the output current circuits.
Take note of the operating instructions of the integrateddevices.
the UE43-2MF is ready for switch on. The UE43-2MF
is switched on by pressing and releasing the button S1. The
outputs (contacts 13-14 and 23-24) energise the contactors
K1 and K2. On the actuation of the emergency stop pushbutton,
the UE43-2MF is shutdown and the contactors K1 and
K2 are de-energised.
Fault analysis
A) Cross-circuits in the emergency stop button circuit are not
detected. The erroneous behaviour of one of the contactors
K1 or K2 will be detected. The shutdown function is retained.
On manipulation (e.g. jamming) or a cross-circuit on the button
S1, the UE43-2MF will not re-enable the output current
Emergency stop circuit with emergency stop pushbutton ES21
on UE43-2MF safety relay.
Operating mode: with restart interlock and external device
A) For single-channel emergency stop pushbuttons (switching
element ES21-CG1001)
B) For dual-channel emergency stop pushbuttons (switching
element ES21-CG2001)
Copyright@ 2003-2024  上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有     

Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓貿易有限公司版權所有 電話(huà):021-39529830/39-8005  021-39529831/29-8002 傳真:021-39529839 

地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6號713 郵編:201812  易展提供技術(shù)支持  滬ICP備09006758號-20    網(wǎng)站管理入口


滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402005010號

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