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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): 原裝SMC回轉驅動(dòng)型2爪型氣爪
產(chǎn)品型號: MDBB63-50Z
產(chǎn)品展商: SMC
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


原裝SMC回轉驅動(dòng)型2爪型氣爪 內燃機缸體上安放活塞的空腔。是活塞運動(dòng)的軌道,燃氣在其中燃燒及膨脹,通過(guò)氣缸壁還能散去一部分燃氣傳給的爆發(fā)余熱,使發(fā)動(dòng)機保持正常的工作溫度。氣缸的型式有整體式和單鑄式。單鑄式又分為干式和濕式兩種。

原裝SMC回轉驅動(dòng)型2爪型氣爪  的詳細介紹


內置磁環(huán) D 內置磁環(huán)
安裝方式 B 基本型
缸徑 63 缸徑 63mm
通口螺紋的種類(lèi) - Rc
氣缸行程 50 氣缸行程 50mm
氣缸追記號 - 無(wú)防護套,氣緩沖
行程調整標記 - 無(wú)
雙行程標記 - 行程標記
氣缸行程2 - 無(wú)氣缸行程2
氣缸追記號2 - 無(wú)防護套,氣緩沖
附件1 - 無(wú)
附件2 - 無(wú)
磁性開(kāi)關(guān)型號 - 無(wú)磁性開(kāi)關(guān)
磁性開(kāi)關(guān)個(gè)數 - 2個(gè) 或 無(wú)

? Indication of effective gripping force
The effective gripping force shown in the
graphs to the right is expressed as F, which is
Gripping Force” for details of Gripping force at each
gripping point. Value of effective
 gripping force is measured at the middle of
opening/closing stroke.
Note 2) ( ) Value shows MDHR mass,
 but it does not include auto switch mass.
the thrust of one finger, when both fingers and
attachments are in full contact with the
workpiece as shown in the figure below.
When the finger opening/closing speed is
set as the total stroke of 0.2 seconds
or more, it may cause the
product to stick or completely stop its movement.
? Workpiece gripping point should be within the
gripping point range: The range shown for
each operating pressure given in the graphs tothe right.
? When the gripping point distance becomes
large, the finger attachment applies an
excessively large load to the finger sliding
section, causing excessive play of the fingers
and possibly leading to premature failure.

Note 1) Refer to page 494 “Effective


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